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(Euphractus sexcinctus)


The six-banded armadillo is the third largest species of armadillo in the world. On average, an adult measures 40cm long and has a tail two-thirds this length. They are distinguished by their pointed and flattened heads, which are covered by large plates arranged in a distinctive pattern. Their body consists of 6 moveable bands (hence their name), which are covered with thin grey-brown hair.

Habitat & Distribution

Six-banded armadillos are found throughout Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Suriname and Uruguay in South America.  They can be found in various habitats, from grassland to rainforest, but they are mainly found on open plains.


Six-banded armadillos are omnivores and the majority of their diet is made up of plants such as fruit, leaves and roots. They will also eat insects and small invertebrates.

Conservation Status

Least concern.